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Cadouri sexy de Craciun

21 decembrie 2015 Lasă un comentariu

costum craciunita Cadourile de Craciun perfecte sunt foarte greu de gasit. Depinzand de persoanele pentru care vrei sa le iei, poti opta pentru cadouri sexy fara nici o problema. Daca este vorba de sotul tau, stim ca barbatii adora sa te vada imbracata in lenjerie intima sexy, asa ca poti apela la costume de craciunite. Il alegi pe cel care iti place, apoi il imbraci si te asezi frumos sub brad. Efectul va fi garantat.

Poate esti una dintre femeile care deja are toate tipurile de lenjerie sexy care exista pe piata. In acest caz, se prea poate sa intri in pana de idei. Nu ai vrea sa iti plictisesti iubitul cu aceleasi trucuri si accesorii, deci e timpul sa iti folosesti imaginatia si sa incerci ceva nou. Pe orice site de lenjerie intima vei gasi si diverse accesorii care pot face timpul petrecut cu sotul tau mai interesant. Spre exemplu, poti cumpara o masca de dantela care sa mearga perfect cu setul tau de lenjerie intima neagra. Mai poti adauga o pereche de manusi si niste pantofi cu toc foarte inalt, iar outfit-ul va fi complet. Sotul tau va fi cel mai fericit barbat din lume. Citește mai mult…

Weekly Resources

13 februarie 2013 Lasă un comentariu


Check this weekly links roundup for great resources for your lifestyle and business. I am sharing this as I find useful, and I am sure it will be for others too:

1. Pregnancy Miracle Review of the successful book that will tech you how to overcome infertility naturally. Highly recommended for women over 30 years that want to conceive a baby!

2. Paleo Recipe Book Review will tell you why you should consider a paleo diet if you want to loose weight or have a healthy lifestyle. Recommended for anyone, anywhere in the world!

3. Merinde WordPress Theme is a great theme for a woman/girl blog, no matter if it’s just a diary or a recipe website. It’s free but it comes with some premium features that I like a lot. Highly recommended for cooking blogs that post recipes!

4. Free Social Bookmarking sites to promote automatically your links. Create an account, submit daily your links and they do the link building automatically.

5. Learn how to win money online with Commission Avalanche. This is basically affiliate marketing, but the way this resource is structured makes it the best option for beginners. Not to mention that Money Secrets is a blog full with resources for those who want to make an extra cash.

6. Get a free website from – This is by far the best option I could find online. A free website on your own domain is just crazy, you can get it without paying hundreds or thousands of $$$ to a web design company.

7. Download a SEO book for bloggers that will teach you how to optimize your website and increase traffic.

8. Another great place to get a website… wel actually a mini authority website or minisite design. It’s not for free but the price is affordable, and these guys will create your money site from scratch, you don’t have to do nothing, not even to compose your own content.

9. is a great resource for hip hop instrumentals and rap beats for music producers and beginners who want to create their own mixes and tunes.

10. Last but not least, on you will find grape growing guides, you’ll learn about the process of making wine at home, or how to pair food and wine or tips and guides on wine tasting.

That’s all folks! See you next week…

What to publish a link in my next roundup? Send me a message

Categorii:General Etichete:, ,

French Bakery

16 ianuarie 2013 Lasă un comentariu

french bakery One of my favorite places to dine, to have coffee, to eat a cookie or a cake is French Bakery. This restaurant/coffee place/bakery it’s part of an international chain of dinning places and, you guessed it: it’s French!

If you spend your holidays in Romania, you can find this kind of bakeries all over in Bucharest, but a special place is the French Bakery situated on no. 9 Benjamin Franklin Street, near The Romanian Athenaeum, a historical place, in Romana Square.
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Wine Making Process

14 ianuarie 2013 Lasă un comentariu

Wine Making

Wine Making

Wine making has been around for thousands of years. In its basic form, wine making process is natural and requires very little human intervention. Mother Nature provides everything that is needed to make wine; it is up to humans to embellish, improve, or totally obliterate what nature has provided, to which anyone with extensive wine tasting experience can attest.

There are five basic components or steps to making wine: grape growing and harvesting, crushing and pressing, fermentation, clarification, and aging and bottling. Undoubtedly, one can find endless deviations and variations along the way. In fact, it is the variants and little deviations at any point in the process that make life interesting. They also make each wine unique and ultimately contribute to the greatness or ignominy of any particular wine. The steps for making white wine and red wine are essentially the same, with one exception. The making of fortified or sparkling wines is also another matter; both require additional human intervention to succeed and at this time, will not be part of this discussion.
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Categorii:Pasiuni Etichete:, ,

The Caveman Diet – What’s all about?

Caveman diet

Caveman Diet

The Caveman diet, also known as Paleo Diet, wаѕ inventеd bу gаstrоеntоlogіѕt Waltеr L. Voegtlіn іn the 1970ѕ. In thе ѕemіnаl bоok еntitlеd ‘Thе Stonе Agе Diet’, Vоеgtlin аrguеd that а lоt of dіsеаѕes knоwn to mоdеrn man ѕuсh aѕ сardіоvаѕсular соndіtіоnѕ, аutоіmmunе disеаseѕ and oѕtеороrоsіs, соuld bе traсеd tо the fооd wе cоnѕume tоdaу. Dеѕpitе thе lack оf mеdісal advаnсеs іn thе pаleоlіthiс аgе, thе раlеоlithіс mаn (hеnсе the tеrm „paleo”) did nоt suffеr from theѕе сondіtіоnѕ. Vоegtlіn himѕеlf ѕufferеd frоm а hoѕt of digеѕtіvе рrоblemѕ, аnd he claimѕ thаt going оn thе paleo diet was whаt еvеntuallу сurеd him.

Thе food іtеms аllоwеd on thіѕ diet аrе аll fооds thаt could hаvе bеen соnѕumеd by a human bеing livіng іn thе pаleоlіthіc аge. The paleo diet iѕ espесіаlly poрular nоt оnlу fоr іts еffiсаcу for weight loss, but аlsо bесаuѕе it ѕеemѕ to hеlр with hеаlth рrоblemѕ іn generаl. Peорlе whо hаvе gоne оn thе pаleоlithіc diet hаve rеpоrtеd a decreaѕe in blооd рrеѕѕurе аs wеll, prоbаblу bесauѕe thе diet elіmіnatеѕ thе соnѕumрtіon оf cholеsterоl- аnd рrеsеrvativеѕ-lаdеn mоdern foodѕ.
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Five tips for travelling as a couple

25 februarie 2012 Lasă un comentariu

If you are a travel couple and you love spending your holidays together, visiting new places, then you surely have some rules that help you get along well and always have a great time. Next, I will present some tips that will make your trip for two perfect, no matter if you’ve been together for a long time or you’ve just met and decided to go on a trip and see if your relationship works.
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Categorii:Femei Etichete:, ,

Vrei un blog WordPress gratuit?

23 februarie 2012 Lasă un comentariu

wordpress Cautand un tutorial WordPress despre cum sa atasez o galerie foto la un articol de pe blogul meu, am dat peste un site care pe langa ghiduri si sfaturi ofera servicii de instalare WordPress gratuita. Practic cu serviciile oferite poti avea un blog la cheie fara sa platesti nimic. ATENTIE, nu ma refer aici la servicii gen sau unde iti faci un cont si ai blog la ei, ci ma refer la a avea propriul tau blog pe propriul domeniu cu cont de gazduire atasat…
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Pokerul online ca afacere

13 februarie 2012 Lasă un comentariu

poker online Marea majoritate dintre noi, cand aud de poker online se gandesc doar la un simplu joc de noroc. Pentru cei care stiu insa ce inseamna acest joc, factorul de noroc se transforma in strategie sau afacere. In doar cateva ore petrecute online intr-un turneu de poker poti sa te alegi cu o suma mai mare decat salariul mediu in Romania.
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Saltele de pat „altfel”

6 februarie 2012 Lasă un comentariu

Un somn odihnitor este foarte important pentru cineva care lucreaza zilnic in conditii de stres si pozitii inconfortabile, iar acest lucru inseamna ca trebuie sa fii foarte informat cu privire la tipurile de saltele de pat pe care le poti alege. Marele avantaj este ca tehnologia a avansat atat de mult in ultimele secole, incat optiunile sunt variate, cuprinzand saltele adaptate in functie de necesitatile fiecaruia.
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Categorii:General Etichete:,

Tinerii nu au niciodata suficient timp

22 ianuarie 2012 3 comentarii

Când eram mai mică a venit la poarta mea un moş şi a cerut apă. Am dat fuga la bunica să-i cer şi apoi i-am dus bătrânului o cană plină-ochi cu apă rece. Îşi dăduse jos desăgile legate de cele două capete ale bâtei pe care o purta pe umăr şi se aşeză pe marginea şanţului să bea apa.

L-am întrebat: „Eşti obosit tare, moşule?” Mi-a spus că da. E obosit, a făcut drum lung. L-am mai întrebat unde se duce, dar mi-a răspuns că a fost, nu se mai duce nicăieri, de-acuma tre’ să stea acasă că aşteaptă o doamnă. Citește mai mult…

Categorii:Viata de zi cu zi Etichete:, ,